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Reduce. Recycle. Reuse.

No, we’re not talking about the day-to-day of lowering your carbon footprint.

We’re taking about COPY.

All those digital assets (images, articles, captions) that we mistakenly take for single use when it comes to planning and executing a curated social media feed.

Anyone who works in the social media sphere, will probably know only too well this pressure that exists to turn out new, fresh content on the regular.

Anything less, in the early days of navigating this platform, especially, is deemed a faux pas of wearing the same outfit twice proportions. Only… it’s not!

Granted, the line between reusing and rinsing is a fine one, but still, herein lies a loophole that we neglect at our own disservice - creatively and productively!

For those who’ve been using the platform a while, posting protocol inevitably becomes more flexible…and forgiving. In this realm, reusing isn’t just ok…it’s necessary!

In fact, there are times when fishing out an old caption and image - like this one taken from last year’s Real Bread Week - might actually offer more value, than something that’s been turned around in less time, and all in the name of newness!

By recycling and reusing assets, we’re not just saving on unnecessary creative pressure, but more importantly, we’re cultivating a relationship with the gram’ that is sustainable, and more conducive to the consistency that success on this platform so often boils down to.

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