Da, da, da, da, daaaa!!’ 🎶
If there’s one advantage to working with a brand that’s as old as you are (eeeek), it’s that you can probably recite any and all of their vintage advertising theme tunes…un-Google-aided!!!
That old Wild Rover ditty might have long since been retired by Clover, but for us, its sentiment transcends the several decades since it first made us want to slather our white sliced with buttery abandon!
Truth be told, we STILL love Clover, and we STILL want to exercise our right to enjoy some bread with our butter, washed down with builder’s tea…if we so choose!
Of course, the New Year #breakfastgoals narrative might say otherwise, and is reaching us with even greater insistence and frequency than ever before.
In spite of the herbal tea brigade being out in full force, however, we firmly believe the currency of comfort (buttery toast included) is at a post-pandemic premium, that we deny to our detriment!
With this in mind, we were pleased to lead from the good old days - so to speak - with this most recent brand collaboration with Saputo Inc.
Despite the temptation, we haven’t dressed up the product in a fancy recipe, nor peddled any particular ‘superfood’ allegiance!
Instead - in a leap of social media faith, perhaps - we’ve stuck to the bread and butter of the brand (#sorrynotsorry), and showcased what tea n’ toast can bring to the otherwise somewhat sombre January table!!