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It’s been a stress-ful week!

Not in the literal sense, but from the point of view that I’ve been writing about stress… A LOT!

One of the collaborations which helped me niche down on this #trending topic, was THIS partnership with Lola Starr activewear!

Some might say, what has activewear got to do with stress management?

Well, let me tell you… quite a lot, or so it seems, and not just because of its role as a ‘facilitator of movement’, so to speak.

Activewear - as I’ve also discovered on the many and varied filming ops this collaboration comprised - can also add a certain aerodynamacy to the everyday, thereby making it somehow less stressful, in a cant-quite-put-my-finger-on-why way!

Not only this, there’s potentially many *many* hours of #ootd anxiety to be saved by simply trading in the trials and tribulations of being ‘on trend’, for the alternative that is…an all-activewear wardrobe, where one style seemlesly fits-all, and not just in a context sense!

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